Selected Short Stories of D. H. Lawrence

This selection of 25 of D. H. Lawrence’s stories has been chosen to show the wide range of Lawrence’s work in this genre at its best.

This selection of short stories has been made not only to offer a representative and wide-ranging selection of D. H. Lawrence's shorter fiction but also to trace a pattern of development in the author's career. As Brian Finney writes in the Introduction: "To follow the development of his stories from the gauche anecdotes of his early twenties to the sophisticated parodies of the genre that he wrote in the last years of his life is like retracing the history of the genre from its pre-Chekhovian social realism and watching it reach forward to the verbal play and self-conscious artificiality of postmodernist writers such as Borges and Beckett."

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Publisher: Penguin UK
Publication Year: 1982
Format: Paperback, Kindle, Mass Market Paperback
Length: 544
ISBN: 0486277941

List Price: $4.26
eBook Price: $0.99
“Lawrence’s standing in some forms is disputed, but his greatness as a short story writer is unchallenged. Brian Finney’s useful selection covers the whole career.”
Sunday Times
"D.H. Lawrence was a superb short story writer, and The Rocking Horse Winner is perhaps one of the greatest short stories ever written. The only other short story that is its equal is The Bet by Anton Chekhov. I would say more but that would be spoiling it for you. Let it suffice to say that Lawrence is now a much-overlooked writer, however, his message of how modern industry is destroying all that is vital and natural in mankind is as poignant today as when he first wrote about it almost 100 years ago! So what's new?"
ardent_lover, Amazon reader
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About the Book

This selection of D. H. Lawrence’s stories illustrates the range and development of his shorter fiction during his brief lifetime. Brief details of their dates of composition and publication are given in the Notes. Brian Finney’s Introduction offers a comprehensive outline of Lawrence’s development as a writer of shorter fiction from naturalistic beginnings to the symbolic and mythic near the end of his life. His later stories, Finney writes, “reach new heights of inventiveness, experimenting with genres like myth, the fairy story and satiric comedy, or . . . the ghost story and the murder story, only to . . . reverse the reader’s normal expectations.”

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